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Personal trainer Steven Keldrema

Goals I can help
you with:

▸  Weight loss

▸  Building muscle mass
▸  Getting stronger
▸  Healthier lifestyle
▸  Higher vertical jump
▸  Learning calisthenics



Personal training

More effective workouts, better consistency, lower risk of injuries. Training in calisthenics parks, gyms in Tallinn, and online.


Training with your friend or partner is a fun and great way to strengthen your bond. Why not take it as a date night in the gym!


Train whenever, wherever you like. Nutrition coaching, individual training plan, constant support and feedback.


According to your goals, I'll make you a delicious meal plan with different recipes to choose from!


Bored of your old workout plan?

​I'll make you a new one individual training plan that helps you achieve your goals.


Trainings for small groups

Train with your friends, clients or co-workers – it's the best way to spend some quality time together!

Personal trainer helps you reach your goals faster.

Customer feedback

"Steven is a wonderful trainer who knows how to motivate and support you where needed, and makes you exert yourself when he sees that you can do more.

​Balanced and personal approach. Trainings with Steven have helped me achieve better physical body and made me strive more in other trainings ."

– Simo, client since january 2023


My story:
78kg → 95kg

I've been related with different sports my whole life and also represented my school in different competitions. 

However, bigger breakthrough to fitness world appeared after my military service.


I played video games for two years and didn't do any sport. That really left it's mark since I started to develop health issues.

Need a personal trainer,

nutrition - or workout plan?

Get in touch with me.

Thank you for contacting!

Follow me on instagram ↓

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